In partnership with the Asian American Cultural Center at Yale, we host the Pan-Asian Council. The Council brings together various leaders in the Asian community. We hope to foster greater pan-Asian cooperation to unite and lend strength to Asian American activism at Yale.
Member Groups
ALSEAS (Alliance for Southeastern Students)
ASA (Arab Students Association)
CASA (Chinese American Students Association)
CUSY (Chinese Undergraduate Students at Yale)
HKSA (Hong Kong Students Association)
HPR (Hanpurri)
HSAY (Himalayan Students Association at Yale)
IYA (Indonesian Yale Association)
JASU (Japanese American Students Union)
Kasama (The Filipino Club at Yale)
KASY (Korean American Students at Yale)
MASA (Malaysian and Singaporean Association)
MSA (Muslim Student Association)
SAS (South Asian Society)
SATAY (Student Association of Thais at Yale)
SLAY (Sri Lankans at Yale)
SMH (Students of Mixed Heritage)
TAS (Taiwanese American Society)
ViSA (Vietnamese Student Association)
YAWA (Yale Asian Womyn’s Alliance)
YPAK (Yalies for Pakistan)